This is the only official website of Jackie Pullinger and St. Stephen’s Society Hong Kong and she/we do not have any social media accounts. Any other social media accounts bearing her/our name are not valid.

Our Plea
Here is my plea to you – an invitation, a challenge, and a commission from Jesus! If you’ve known the love of God – if you’ve tasted of His sweetness at all – will you serve Him by giving up your life for the sake of the lost, the poor, the oppressed and the hungry?
The Gospel Principle
The principle of the gospel is this: it brings life to the receiver and death to the giver - if the gospel brought death to Jesus Christ, why would we think that in ‘preaching the gospel’ it would be anything less for us? In fact, He says, ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.’
You might think that this is radical and might mean missing out on everything your friends enjoy, whether Christians or not. However, here is the paradox and the wonder! Jesus then adds, ‘Whoever wants to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for me will save it.’ We have much more fun when we really go for it and find out that we mostly only lose rubbish anyway!

Past helpers
In past seasons, many overseas friends have spent time here, working in our houses or in the streets amongst the poor. In the beginning, I was grateful if they gave one month as I had no help at all! Since then, some have given months or years to us.
More than a few have gone on to spend decades helping us to serve the poor in Hong Kong and beyond, learning one or two languages and living as pilgrims away from their home countries and their own people. For most helpers it’s been foundational for their faith and expression of Jesus, and for others, just some small steps in their lives.
2022 - A different season
We are now in a different season and are interested in training those who want to spend a lifetime bringing GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR and seeing those who have been reached healed and set free. We are eager at this time to find those who want to come and learn how to minister to the least, the unlovely, the hungry and the enslaved, until they come into freedom and wholeness and enjoy the love of Jesus. Therefore, we expect everyone who applies to be praying and have a desire to serve the poor throughout their lives, whatever that might look like. We will work with them on onward goals and specific plans to love the lost and poor in word and deed in different countries. We already see so many harassed and helpless around us, and they are really easy to reach. We need more workers. The poor do not need a church service or a course to come into the Kingdom – they just need those who will love them like Jesus did and we need people who are ready to stay long term to do this.
Training for long term service
We will train you in all the ways we’ve learned to minister with the poor - healing the sick, multiplying food, giving up sleep, weeping with those who weep and always, always expecting the signs of the Kingdom. We will share our homes, our goods and our food with you and hope you will go on to do this, too. We will apply for a visa for you to stay and work in Hong Kong, which is not transferrable to other employment.
Those who already fellowship with us will already have begun to learn to serve, pray and outreach to the poor. In recent years more and more are also spending some months away from their jobs to train in our houses.
Some go on to lead those homes, others go back to full or part time work and serve alongside our teams in Hong Kong or overseas. Many live in local communities and share their homes with the teenagers or men or women who have been living with us and are on the next stage of their journeys.
What might a lifetime look like?
You begin by spending several years in Hong Kong, visiting our other mission spots on short term trips, too. You learn a local language. You live in one of our homes and train in how to help those with life-threatening situations and who cannot free themselves from what has enslaved them.
You live downtown and practise reaching the local poor and their families by what you say and do, by the power of signs and miracles, through the power of the Holy Spirit. You practise trusting the Lord for all your daily needs and practise sharing what you have with those you live and work amongst.
Short Term Training
From time to time, we receive people already working with the poor locally or overseas who seek additional experience and training. Others come to gain work experience as part of further studies. We are happy to facilitate this. Overseas applicants will still need a visa. Training visas cannot be transferred to employment visas.
We occasionally welcome teams led by someone who has visited before and is known to us. This ensures that those on the team can be helpfully instructed beforehand and looked after whilst they are here, thus getting the most out of their stay and bringing the most to us.
Serving in Hong Kong
If you’re a Hong Konger - join our fellowship and you can help!
Hundreds of house group members also serve with our local mission teams, family programmes, and have the privilege of praying people off addictions, sometimes overnight. The possibilities and openings are endless! (e.g. We need lifeguards with up-to-date qualifications.)

Gap Year
You are the most useful and welcome of all helpers! Please come and help us!
We’ve had hundreds of ‘gappies’ who’ve come and helped over the years. They have served us wholeheartedly with enthusiasm and humour.
Long-term commitment and goals may not apply because at this stage young people may still be exploring and have studies planned.
We have had ongoing referrals from groups and schools who know us well but many come through the testimony of their friends.
The value of a gap year is that it is a short, fixed period in between, for instance, high school and college. Most young people are willing to ‘rough it’ for a while and are not that concerned about finding their ‘ministry’ or ‘calling’.
Several were not ‘believers’ when they came. They find that this short taste of ministering with the poor is foundational in determining their ongoing lifestyles.
Some have returned to serve full time with us after completing their studies.
• Outreach to communities who live in extreme poverty, learning how to share ‘good news’ with them
• Crossing cultures
• Healing
• Setting the captives free
• How to be dependent on God and grow up in Jesus
• How to work with the power of the Holy Spirit and use miraculous gifts
• How to feed yourself and others spiritually
• How to explore the Bible
• How to practise walking it out
• How to ‘live in community’ and prefer one another
• We hope you will come for up to one year, dependent on the need to attend interviews etc.
• September/October is a good time to start…
• Wherever the need is
• Maybe one of our rehabilitation homes
• Maybe downtown amongst the poor
• Pay a short-term visit to one of our overseas teams, serving the poor
Let us know what you are doing now and what is your planned onward movement.
Overseas applicants will need a training visa so please allow at least a month for process after we have accepted you.
Write to and we’ll get back to you.
We undertake to share what we have with you, including accommodation, meals, etc.
You may need to pray for some pocket money to share with others for travel etc. If you are living downtown with us, you are not required to contribute to household expenses, but our hope is that you would be willing to do this when you have the means.